Accountability is giving an account of yourself to someone—where you’ve been, what you’ve been doing, who you’ve been with, how you will perform a certain task, or what your motives are.
But don’t most of us resent it when we are fully accountable? We may feel that it restricts us and forces us to expose dark corners of our lives we’d prefer to keep hidden.
Although genuine accountability may be uncomfortable, it’s necessary, for it keeps us honest, moral, and on the right path. It urges us to do what we should do, even if we prefer not to. If we answer to no one, aren’t we free to go where our desires lead rather than where God leads.
When we think no one is watching or no one will ask us tough questions, it’s easy to do whatever we want. We are more prone to take the wrong path. But God is watching and he does hold us accountable. Fortunately, his motives are always pure. He wants to help us do what is good and what is best for us. If what we should do is not what we want to do, it is time to discover what God wants us to do. (Just a thoughtful Thursday) 💕