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Sunday School

Public·68 members


There are many things that are clearly identified in Scripture as right or wrong. Other things are not so clearly defined and fall into the category of debatable things because the Bible does not clearly state that they are wrong to do. To grasp the truth presented in this week’s lesson, we first have to understand the situation that existed in Corinth and throughout the Greco-Roman world. Sacrifices were made to many different gods. Meats from those sacrificial animals were then offered for sale in the marketplace. In addition, Corinthian believers were often invited to special social occasions, either in a home or a temple, where such meat was served. This presented a dilemma for Christians. The question was whether Christians had the liberty or freedom to eat meat that had been sacrificed to pagan gods. Some believers had no problem with eating this meat. However, others believed that it was wrong and were offended when they saw some believers eating this meat. Although eating meat offered to idols is hardly a problem in the church today, there are other debatable practices that are just as problematic for Christians. This week’s lesson gives us guidance for dealing with issues that the Bible does not directly address which may cause sincere disagreement among believers.

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